Maharaja of Indian Aviation No more in Loss – Air India started making profit after 10 years

Air India Maharajah
Air India Maharajah
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Azadi Ka Amrit Mahoutsav

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The maharajah of Indian airline industry has recorded profits for the first time in 10 years time.

Government on Tuesday said that the Air India has improved a lot in all aspect including, it is making profit first time in 10 years time.

“Air India’s all-time performance has increased. This year it is making profit, which is the first time in last 10 years. It is making an operative profit. Air India is doing good work,” Raju declared.

‘Zero accident’

The government also objected the preposition about the state carrier being the “leader in emergency landings” and declared that there has been “zero accident” due to poor maintenance by the team.

Ashok Gajpathi Raju the central Civil Aviation Minister of Government of India had told the Rajya Sabha that “no deficiency” in every safety procedure is followed in the Air India.

“It is unfair to say that Air India is the leader in emergency landings… I do not go into Air India bashing at all. It is unfair to say this,” Raju said to the response in a question by opposition in Rajya Sabha.

“During the last two years and the current year, a total of 120 incidents of emergency landing due to medical emergency and technical reasons have been reported to the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA). Out of the 120 incidents, 102 were due to medical emergency and 18 due to technical reasons,” the minister said.

Of the 120 incidents of emergency landing, 23 are attributed to Air India and the rest to other airlines, he said.

Congress leader Ambika Soni’s question was replied by the Civil Aviation Minister said all incidents due to technical reasons investigated by DGCA and Aircraft Accident Investigation Bureau (AAIB) and investigation reports with recommendations are followed up for implementation with the concerned agencies.

Minister also told that general rating for Aviation in India went down due to lack of action from UPA regime; which Congress reacted sharply.

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Antara Tripathy M.Sc., B.Ed. by qualification and bring 15 years of media reporting experience.. Coverred many illustarted events like, G20, ICC,MCCI,British High Commission, Bangladesh etc. She took over from the founder Editor of IBG NEWS Suman Munshi (15/Mar/2012- 09/Aug/2018 and October 2020 to 13 June 2023).
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