FBM to organise a protest on ‘International disappearance day’ in the United Kingdom

A Baloch mother bought new shoes, new cloths for her son, is kept in Punjabi Pakistan army and ISI torture cells, she waited for his recovery but he is not released. Now she came with all those cloths and shows and displayed them in hunger strike camp to ask the world Where is the UN and other human rights champions?
A Baloch mother bought news shoes, new cloths for her son, is kept in Punjabi Pakistan army and ISI torture cells, she waited for his recovery but he is not released. Now she came with all those cloths and shows and displayed them in hunger strike camp to ask the world Where is the UN and other human rights champions?
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FBM to organise a protest on ‘International disappearance day’ in the United Kingdom

London: The Free Balochistan Movement UK Branch has announced to  commemorate “International Disappearance day” by holding a protest in front of 10 downing street in London on August 30th from 1:00pm to 4:00pm thereby highlighting the grave human rights violations being perpetrated by both Pakistan and Iran in occupied Balochistan.

The announcement was made in a meeting headed by the UK Branch Organiser.

FBM UK Branch, in its statement, has invited all Human Rights organisations including journalists, Baloch political Activists and the British people to participate in the protest to highlight one of the biggest ongoing human genocide in the world which is being perpetrated by both Pakistani and Iranian war criminal states in Occupied Balochistan.

The Free Balochistan Movement (FBM) in its statement further said that party activists will raise awareness about illegal abductions of thousands of Baloch people by the Pakistani and Iranian establishment. China is heavily involved in suppressing the Baloch nation by giving financial support to Iran and Pakistan for its vested interests in extracting Balochistan’s mineral sources.

Under blanket media blackout, Pakistan has so far abducted more than sixty thousand Baloch activists and tortured to death seven thousands, the majority of these cases have been registered by all Baloch human rights organizations. It must be noted that both Pakistan and Iran neither allow international media nor do they allow any humanitarian organizations to visit occupied Balochistan. Pakistan’s judiciary system in occupied Balochistan has been put on abeyance, Baloch general public have no hope that Pakistan judiciary system will deliver any kind of justice Baloch nations, given the undeclared military martial law in Pakistan and its brutal rule behind the scene!

It is to remind here that both Iran and Pakistan have been occupied by military aggression under tacit support of the then British empire 1928 and 1947 respectively. Since then Baloch nation is resisting the Pakistani and Iranian colonial rules over Balochistan.
On the eve of 30 August International Enforced Disappearance Day, FBM will also run a social media campaign on twitter using this hashtag #StopEnforcedDisappearancesOfBaloch and call upon all social & Human rights activists to come forwards and support our just cause for liberty and independence.

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Antara Tripathy M.Sc., B.Ed. by qualification and bring 15 years of media reporting experience.. Coverred many illustarted events like, G20, ICC,MCCI,British High Commission, Bangladesh etc. She took over from the founder Editor of IBG NEWS Suman Munshi (15/Mar/2012- 09/Aug/2018 and October 2020 to 13 June 2023).
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