Captains of industry hail Trinamool’s victory in Bengal

Industry captains have welcomed the massive victory of Mamata Banerjee led Trinamool Congress in the 2016 Assembly elections in West Bengal.
Industry captains are hopeful that development and reforms in the State will receive an impetus because of the huge mandate that Didi has won.
CII’s Eastern Region chairman TV Narendran said, “The decisive election victory of the TMC reaffirms the direction of the government and sets the tone for faster economic reforms in West Bengal.”
RP-Sanjiv Goenka Group chairman Sanjiv Goenka says Mamata’s return is “a great news for those who want Bengal to join and win the eagerly-awaited race for economic development.
FICCI President Harsh Neotia said, “This mandate shows people have voted in favour of the development work in the last five years.”
ASSOCHAM Chairman Sunil Kanoria said, “This huge mandate again proves there is no altervative to the politics of development.”
“MCCI will support in all developmental endeavours in the state”, said Manish Goenka, President MCCI.