A don’t care attitude from the Global IT and Search engine major Google is not at all paying attention to Indian Government’s order for showing Indian maps without any dispute mark.
But today’s Google Analytics shown that State Jammu and Kashmir & state Arunachal Pradesh under disputed territory. Which is a clear violation of recent Government of India guideline and The Geospatial Information Regulation Bill 2016 Bill in parliament.
Google being the leading IT organization and #1 in search engine area has developed an attitude as grand daddy of all internet based information or business. If you are not following Google you are out.But when they need to follow the rule or show the reason they are reactant to do so.
We request Prime Minister Modi to take a direct action who ever is trying to upset Indian Pride and Self respect.
We put a tough protest against google for this violation and showing disrespect to Government of India’s advice.
Please join the voice to raise against any attempt to violet Law of India.