Kolkata Tourism Update – Kestopur Canal gets a facelift

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Kestopur Canal gets a facelift

Children’s parks, a paved walkway, gazebos, mini hillocks, fountains and a palm tree nursery – these would soon completely replace a 3.5 km sliver of land on the western bank of Kestopur Canal, between Ultadanga and Kestopur, that was a garbage-littered stretch till recently. The work has been going on for the last two months, and would be over soon.

The Rs 30-crore project of the Bengal Government began by fresh soil being dumped on the garbage-filled land. Then, gradually, grass was planted all over the area – a carpet of soft Mexican grass. Vegetation planted includes several varieties of palm trees, ornamental plants and flowering plants.

The entire area is being divided up into two children’s parks with swings and multiple gazebos. Installation art, similar to those at Eco Park, will adorn the stretch at regular intervals. These would be illuminated with multi-coloured lights in the evenings.

A 1.8 m-wide paved walkway will skirt the entire stretch of the parks. It would act as a walking and jogging as well as a cycling track.

Two illuminated fountains are being planned – one with a pool with a rock fountain as its base, and the other, a football-shaped one. Grass-topped hillocks are being built to break the monotony of the landscape.

Not just the fountains, but the entire bank of the Kestopur Canal that is part of the park would be illuminated with different types of lights.

Ever since coming to power in 2011, Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has been taking up urban beautification projects with gusto across Bengal, to increase the green cover and thus improve the environment. Development and governance have been two of the cornerstones of the Chief Minister’s planning towards bringing back the lost glory of Bengal. The Kolkata Municipal Corporation has also placed a lot of budgetary emphasis on the creation of parks and maintenance of the existing ones.

কেষ্টপুরের খালপাড় সাজছে নতুনভাবে 

 ভিআইপি রোডের পাশে সৌন্দর্যায়নের পর এ বার উল্টোডাঙা থেকে দমদম পার্ক পর্যন্ত কেষ্টপুর খালের দু’পাশে জগিং ট্র্যাক করা হচ্ছে।প্রাতর্ভ্রমণকারীদের সুবিধার্থে সিমেন্ট দিয়ে বাঁধিয়ে রাস্তা তৈরি করে তার উপর টালি পাতার কাজ শুরু করে দিয়েছে পূর্ত দপ্তর। সেই সঙ্গে খালের দু’পাড় সাজানো হচ্ছে পার্ক, বসার জায়গা, ফোয়ারা, ঘাস এবং আলো দিয়ে।

সল্টলেকের দিকে রাস্তার কাজ প্রায় শেষের দিকে। লেক টাউনের দিকেও কাজ অনেকটা এগিয়ে গিয়েছে। সার দিয়ে লাগানো হয়েছে পাম গাছ। পাতা হয়েছে ঘাস। পাথর দিয়ে তৈরি হয়েছে ছোট ছোট টিলা। শিশুদের জন্য রয়েছে দোলনা।

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Editor Desk

Antara Tripathy M.Sc., B.Ed. by qualification and bring 15 years of media reporting experience.. Coverred many illustarted events like, G20, ICC,MCCI,British High Commission, Bangladesh etc. She took over from the founder Editor of IBG NEWS Suman Munshi (15/Mar/2012- 09/Aug/2018 and October 2020 to 13 June 2023).
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