First Workshop on “Accelerating Sagarmala Implementation – Engaging with States” (in New Delhi) Tomorrow
The flagship programme of Ministry of Shipping – Sagarmala, has moved from the conceptualization and planning to the implementation stage. As a part of the programme, more than 400 projects have been identified across the areas of port modernization and new port development, connectivity enhancement, portlinked industrialization and coastal community development.
To create awareness about the Sagarmala programme among the stake holders and to engage with them, the Ministry is organising a series of workshops over the next 6 – 8 months under the aegis of the Sagarmala Programme.
The first workshop titled, “Accelerating Sagarmala Implementation – Engaging with States” is being organized on 9th June, 2017 in New Delhi at India Habitat Centre. The main objective of this workshop is to enhance the engagement among Ministry of Shipping, other line ministries and various maritime states of India for Sagarmala Programme. The workshop will be presided by Secretary (Shipping) and the key note address will be delivered by Shri. Amitabh Kant, CEO, NITI Aayog. The workshop is expected to be attended by Principal Secretaries of the maritime states, Chairmen of ports and officials of the line ministries.
The workshop also aims to familiarize the key stakeholders with the provisions of the Sagarmala programme, its objectives and avenues available for them to implement these projects. This workshop will provide a platform for the States to exhibit their ongoing work and work envisaged for future and provide a feedback mechanism to address their concerns with regards to Sagarmala Programme. Funding Guidelines, Coastal Berth Scheme and initiatives under the Coastal Community Development especially for skill development will be discussed threadbare during the workshop.
As per the concept approved by the Government of India, the projects identified under Sagarmala will be taken up by the respective Ports, State Governments or Maritime Boards and Central Ministries mainly through private funding or PPP mode. The Sagarmala Development Company Ltd. (SDCL) has been set up by the Ministry of Shipping to provide equity support to the project SPV’s and funding support to residual projects under Sagarmala. Already 239 projects worth 1.37 lakh crore are under various stages of development and implementation.