Ezone announces Xiaomi smart phones in its Kolkata storesEnablesthesmartphonebrandtofurther expanditsofflinedistributionineast Kolkata, 16 June 2017: –
Ezone, a lifestyle electronics retail format under the umbrella of India’s largest giant “Future Group” announceslaunch of XiaomismartphonesinitsKolkatastores. Thiswillhelpenabletheleadingsmartphonecompanytoexpanditsofflinepresenceinthecity.RedmiNote 4 andRedmi 4Awillbethefirstsmartphonestobesoldinall Ezonestores.ThisassociationwillalsohelpXiaomitofurtherexpanditspresenceintheeastregionofIndiawithinamonth.
We are pleased to associate with Xiaomi and this exclusive launch in eastern region gives us immense pleasure. This launch gets us even closer to the customer for their tech purchases in the offline market. We all know technology is dynamic in nature and we need to be constantly evolving to keep up and be the first choice as a retailer, which is rightly done at Ezone,” said Wasim Ahmed, Deputy General Manager – Electronics- Eastern Region, Ezone.
“WehavemadesignificantmovementsinourofflinedistributionplansforIndia, especially with our offline partners. WehavebeentakinggradualstepsinthisdirectionandbelieveourassociationwithEzonewilltakeusastepfurtherinourplan,”saidSunilBaby, Offline SalesHead–South and East,XiaomiIndia