MDWS is crowd sourcing innovative ideas on Rural Sanitation
The Ministry of Drinking water and Sanitation, MDWS is organizing Swachhathon 1.0- the Swachh Bharat Hackathon, to crowd source solutions for the pressing issues pertaining to Sanitation. The event will be held on 8th September and the portal for submission of entries has been online since 2 Aug, 2017 at (
The Primary target of the Ministry is youth from rural areas, who can come up with innovative solutions to problems in the following categories:
- a) Innovative, Sustainable, Environmental-friendly and affordable toilet technology for hilly, dry, flood prone and remote areas.
- b) Technological solutions to monitor the usage of toilets.
- c) Technological salutations for bringing behavioral change for toilet usage and hygiene.
- d) Innovative models and methods to improve the operation and maintenance of school toilets .
- e) Innovative solutions for Menstrual Health Management(MHM).
- f) Innovative solutions for early decomposition of faecal matter.