Training Programme on Inland Fisheries Management for Livelihood Improvement of Rural Populace of Sunderbans
Kolkata, September 8, 2022
The ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute (CIFRI), Barrackpore in collaboration with South Asian Forum for Environment (SAFE), a registered Civil Society Organization (based in Kolkata) successfully organised a training programme on Inland Fisheries Management for Livelihood Improvement of Rural Populace of Sundarban, West Bengal at ICAR-CIFRI, Barrackpore from September 5 to 8, 2022 under the guidance of Dr. B. K. Das, Director, ICAR-CIFRI.
The purpose of the training programme was to improve the livelihood of the rural population of Sundarbans through training with CIFRI technologies. While inaugurating the programme, Dr. Srikanta Samanta, Director In-Charge, addressed the forum to carry forward the knowledge gained during the Training at ICAR – CIFRI, towards more production from the available resources. Dr. U. K. Sarkar, Dr. S. Nag and Dr. M. A. Hassan, Heads of Divisions, imparted knowledge and support to the fish farmers on various facets of inland fisheries management. Twenty four (24) trainees (16 female fish farmers and 8 male fish farmers) from Gosaba and Kultali blocks of Sundarbans in West Bengal including officials from SAFE, Kolkata, obtained knowledge and skill from the training programme.
The trainees were exposed to enclosure culture in open waters, ornamental fisheries, climate change and its impact on open water fisheries, water quality and disease management strategies, development of fish feed and feeding protocol, importance of small indigenous fishes, biodiversity conservation, fish breeding, composite fish culture, integrated farming and marketing management. The trainees were also exposed to visiting the CIFRI laboratories and facilities including ornamental fisheries unit, RAS, aquarium and fish feed unit.
Dr. Aparna Roy, Dr. Piyashi DebRoy (Co-ordinators) and Shri Santhana Kumar V., Scientist, (Co-coordinator) conducted the Valedictory Session where a Bengali Training Manual on Sundarbaner Grameen Manusher Jibon Jibikar Unnatikalpe Antarsthaliya Matsyachash o tar Babosthapona and Certificates were distributed to the trainees. In the concluding ceremony, a cultural programme with a stage play was also enacted by the trainees depicting the livelihood scenario and societal issues of traditional female and male fishers of Sundarban.