Kolkata, Date: 08.12.2023
Metro Railway takes all possible measures and care for ensuring commuters safety. Shri P Uday Kumar Reddy, General Manager, Metro Railway regularly monitors and reviews safety measurements adopted in the ‘Lifeline of the City’ to avoid any untoward incident like fire. In order to check the preparedness of Metro staff to tackle any fire emergency in the Metro premises, a regular fire training programme is organised to sharpen the skills of the staff.
One such training programme for RPF staff was held under the supervision of senior officials today i.e. on 08.12.2023 at RPF Post Belgachia Office. In this programme, RPF personnel were imparted training on how to handle fire extinguishers to douse the flame through simulation of various fire and smoke conditions. Another training programme was also held at Belgachia Metro station today in which RPF and Traffic Department’s staff participated.
It is expected that such training programmes will sharpen the skill and alertness of Metromen to respond to any emergency situation and restore normalcy at the earliest.