The Making of the Mahatma, a 1996 biographical film directed by Shyam Benegal, was shown today to the students of The Heritage School. The actor in the film, Mr. Rajit Kapur visited the campus and interacted with the students on the basic ideologies of our Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi whose biographical sketch was depicted in the film.
The entire event was organized by SPICMACAY to promote inspiring and well-crafted films among young students. During the interactive session, Mr. Kapur spoke about how the film was made and what inspired him to take up the leading role in the film. Apart from this, he also spoke about the role of an actor in the film making process and how a character influences the role to a greater extent.”Sometimes you like to retain a part of a character and you may not keep it either or dissipate but I like to believe that I retain something of each character I do and that makes me enriched,” said Mr. Rajit Kapur during the session at the Heritage campus.
The students got an opportunity to interact with Mr. Kapur on the well-known film Shyam Benegal, which showed the essence of the basic philosophies of Mahatma Gandhi which are still relevant today.
“I am thankful to SPICMACAY for organizing such a wonderful and inspiring event at The Heritage School campus,” said Ms. Seema Sapru, Principal, The Heritage School Kolkata. Chief Executive Officer of Heritage Group of Institutions, Mr. P.K.Agarwal was also present during the programme.