Skipper Foundation “Beti Padhao Abhiyaan” at Raj Bhavan, in Kolkata

Skipper Foundation “Beti Padhao Abhiyaan” at Raj Bhavan, in Kolkata 2
Skipper Foundation “Beti Padhao Abhiyaan” at Raj Bhavan, in Kolkata 2
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Azadi Ka Amrit Mahoutsav

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Kolkata, 17th July, 2018

:  Skipper Foundation the CSR wing of Skipper Limited organized a unique initiative “Beti Padhao Abhiyaan” which focusses on educating underprivileged girl children of India. This is the 2nd edition of the event which was held at Raj Bhavan, Kolkata on 17th of July, 2018 from 4pm onwards. 1102 girls from 25 schools of West Bengal will be benefited from the activation.

His Excellency Honorable Governor of West Bengal, Shri Keshari Nath Tripathi, was the Chief Guest for the ceremony. He personally handed over the cheques to the authorities of respective schools.
Speaking on the occasion Hon’ble Governor said “Previously the prevalent thought has been to keep the Girls at home for household chores, however in modern times the scenario is changing. A boy once educated takes care of his family whereas an educated girl will change the perspective of the entire nation. He also added “Skipper Foundation is doing an amazing job by activating an initiative of this nature, which has a nation building perspective”.

Commenting on the occasion Mr. Sajan Kumar Bansal, Trustee Skipper Foundation said “We have come across several families unable to pay for their daughters’ education for financial reasons, leading to the girls dropping out of school. Beti Padhao Abhiyaan is a small step towards ensuring that these girl students from poor families do not suffer educationally.”

Mrs. Tanusree Shankar renowned Danseuse and Mrs. Premlata Agrawal proclaimed Mountaineer were present as Guest of Honors. Mrs. Shankar expressed her appreciation for the initiative which is a landmark for woman empowerment. Mrs. Agrawal also commended the business house for coming forward for such a noble cause.

A special stamp was launched by Hon’ble Governor along with the Chief Post Master General of West Bengal Circle – Mrs. Arundhaty Ghosh to mark the philanthropic initiatives of the Skipper Foundation.

Mr. Devesh Bansal, Trustee Skipper Foundation delivered the Vote of Thanks to conclude the event compared by Mrs. Sumedha Bansal.

Mr. Sharan Bansal, Mr. Subhash Murarka , Mrs. Rashmi Bansal and the entire team of Skipper Foundation were present to make the event a success. Eminent industrialists and socialites were present in the function.

Skipper Foundation engages in key community activities such as education and healthcare across the country in a bid to contribute to society we live in. As part of this initiative, it supports Ekal Vidyalaya, a movement aimed at integrating and developing the rural and tribal India. It runs as many as 68,348, one-teacher schools across the country, almost all of them in remote villages. The foundation of the pioneering effort was laid by late Sadhu Ram Bansal, the Chairman Emeritus and the SK Bansal Group founder who believed in promoting welfare for others and engaged in various humanitarian causes. The idea behind these schools is to take education to every child.

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Antara Tripathy M.Sc., B.Ed. by qualification and bring 15 years of media reporting experience.. Coverred many illustarted events like, G20, ICC,MCCI,British High Commission, Bangladesh etc. She took over from the founder Editor of IBG NEWS Suman Munshi (15/Mar/2012- 09/Aug/2018 and October 2020 to 13 June 2023).
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