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Mohammedan Sporting Club skipper Philip Adjah Tetteh made an incredible gesture as the Ghanaian hit-man donated money to Rehan Alam, an underprivileged footballer from Club’s youth development programme.
The 8-year-old Rehan participated in Club’s AIFF Grassroots Football festival held at Mohammedan Sporting Ground on this past Wednesday where he caught the eye’s of Adjah, who attended the event as a guest.
Adjah donated money for Rehan’s education and bought a couple of pairs of boots for him. He also assured Rehan’s parents all kinds of future assistance.
About Post Author
Antara Tripathy
Chief Editor & CEO of IBG NEWS (09/Aug/2018-Present), Secretary of All Indian Reporter's Association,West Bengal State Committee.
Earlier Vice President of IBG NEWS (01/Jan/ 2013-08/Aug/2018). She took over the charge from the Founder Editor of the Channel.
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