One of the major pan India Reporters and Media person Association AIRA- All Indian Reporter’s Association wishes all a Very Happy Holi.
All India President Tarique Zaki, General Secretary Puneet Nigam wished every media person a very colorful Holi and safe festival time with COVID Protocol in place. In a WhatsApp message, both exchanged best wishes for West Bengal and the All India media team with West Bengal General Secretary of AIRA Shri Suman Munshi. Also, they both requested all media persons for Unity of media as a paramount activity and must be with all the safety in place.
In a message, Chief Editor IBG NEWS Suman Munshi also AIRA General Secretary West Bengal said “the time is difficult and we must act responsible way to reduce the vulnerability in the chain of the second wave with extreme careful way. Please enjoy but keep in mind anytime things can take a major setback again. If this time it repeats last year’s show, then major catastrophe will start. Again.So act responsible way and enjoy the color of life.”
All Indian Reporter’s Association (AIRA) उर्फ AIRA Association क्रमश: भारतीय न्यास अधिनियम 1882 एवं The Indian Societies Registration Act 1860 तथा MSME भारत सरकार द्वारा पंजीकृत संस्था है। यह संस्था भारत के 23 राज्यों में पत्रकारों के हित के लिये कार्यरत है। AIRA एसोसिएशन ISO 9001:2015 Certified Organization है और एक स्थान पर सबसे ज्यादा न्यूज़ रिपोर्टर्स को एकत्र करने और प्रेस रिपोर्टर्स प्रोटेक्शन एक्ट के लिए सर्वाधिक विशाल प्रदर्शन करने का World Record भी आईरा के नाम पर दर्ज है। संस्था के प्रमुख उद्देश्य इस प्रकार है –
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