MAKAUT Extends Helping Hands To Secondary and Higher Secondary Students

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MAKAUT Extends Helping Hands To Secondary and Higher Secondary Students

Kolkata, 8th April, 2021:  The Secondary and Higher Secondary exams are knocking at the door. This year the exams are going to be organized a little bit differently. This altered modus operandi of the examinations has left the students a bit confused and disturbed. To drive away all the uneasiness, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology (MAKAUT), WB under its School Connect Initiative has been organizing an online programme which will be held everyday from 15th to 28th April between 7:30 to 9:30 pm. The sessions under MAKAUT er Bandhan will be addressed by various school teachers of the state, to whom the students may ask different questions. A single subject will be discussed in each day. Subjects like mathematics, physics, history, geography, english etc will be discussed in details.

Hurry up and register by clicking the following link:

Certificates will be provided to all participants.

The steps for registration are as follows:

Click on the registration link

Fill up the form and submit it. Please remember to provide your e-mail id

Check the inbox of your e-mail to find a detailed mail from MAKAUT

You will find the joining link inside that very mail

The link will remain active from 15th to 28th April from 7 pm

A special request

Download ZOOM in your mobile/laptop/desktop

The session can be joined on first come first serve basis. The capacity for a zoom session in 1000 persons. If the number of attendees crosses 1000 you would not be able to join the session. So please join as early as possible.

However, there is also provision for the students who will not be able to join the session. They can watch the live sessions from the official YouTube channel of MAKAUT. 

The YouTube link is provided below:

The programme will be inaugurated by hon’ble Vice Chancellor of MAKAUT, Prof. (Dr) Saikat Maitra. 

The special guest for the programme will be the Deputy Secretary of West Bengal Board of Secondary Education, Prof. Partha Karmakar.

For more details visit 

The schedule for the live sessions are provided below.

DateSubjectTeacherDesignationSchool/ Organization
15.04.2021Madhyamik- BengaliJayati MukherjeeAsst. TeacherBegum Rokeya Smriti Vidyapith, Bidhannagar
H.S- BengaliChaitali GhoshAsst. TeacherHowrah Jogesh Chandra Girls’ School, Howrah
16.04.2021Madhyamik- EnglishParimal BhattacharyaHead MasterJadavpur Vidyapith, Kolkata
H.S- EnglishSantanu KunduHead MasterNaihati Narendra Vidyaniketan
17.04.2021Madhyamik- MathematicsProf. Partha KarmakarDeputy Secretary (Academy)West Bengal Board of Secondary Education
H.S- MathematicsSovan Kumar BasuAsst. TeacherTentulberia Anukul Chandra High School (H.S.)
18.04.2021Madhyamik- HistorySukla DuttaAsst. TeacherBasirhat Town High School
H.S- HistorySima MandalAsst. TeacherGurdah Rishi Aurovinda Vidyaniketan
19.04.2021Madhyamik- GeographySubhra ChakrabartyHead MistressHowrah Jogesh Chandra Girls’ School, Howrah
H.S- GeographyDebarati RoyAsst. TeacherHalisahar High School
20.04.2021Madhyamik- Life ScienceDr. Rakhi RoyAsst. TeacherBijoy Nagar High School, Kolkata
H.S- Biological ScienceSoumi PaulAsst. TeacherAdarsha Balika Shikshayatan , Jadavpur 
Sougata BasuAsst.MasterUttarpara Government High School
21.04.2021Madhyamik- Physical ScienceDebabrata MukherjeeHead MasterSanskrit Collegiate School, Kolkata
H.S- Physics and ChemistryDr. Partha Sarathi BoseHead MasterBarajaguli Gopal Academy, Nadia,
Dipannita GhoshAsst. TeacherAdarsha Balika Shikshayatan , Jadavpur 
22.04.2021H.S- EducationSuchismita BandyopadhyayAsst. TeacherJadavpur Vidyapith
H.S- SociologyTapas RoyAsst. TeacherAmaipur Miloni High Madrasah H.S, Nalhati, Birbhum
23.04.2021H.S- PhilosophyMd. NaziruddinAsst. MasterUttarpara Govt. High School
H.S- PsychologyPapri ChatterjeeAsst. TeacherHowrah Jogesh Chandra Girls’ School, Howrah
24.04.2021H.S- Business StudiesTushar Kanti PalAsst. TeacherChakdaha Ramlal Academy
H.S- StatisticsDebajyoti DuttaAsst. MasterBidhannagar Govt.High School
H.S- EconomicsSuvasish BasuAsst. TeacherBarajaguli Gopal Academy
25.04.2021H.S- Political ScienceBhaswati ChakrabortyPrincipalBidhannagar Municipal School
H.S- Journalism & Mass CommunicationSoumitra DuttaAsst. MasterMatla High School
26.04.2021H.S- Computer Science,Sudipto ChandaAsst. MasterBirbhum Zila School
H.S- Modern Computer Applications,
27.04.2021H.S- AccountancySanjoy NaskarAsst. MasterHowrah Zila School
H.S- Costing and TaxationNarattam Das, Uttam MukhopadhyayAsst Teacher,Park Institute, Sri Ramkrishna Sikshalaya Howrah
H.S-  Commercial Law and Preliminaries of Auditing,
28.04.2021H.S- Nutrition,Deboshree DuttaAsst. TeacherNaihati Narendra Vidyaniketan
H.S- Physical Education.Pranab Krishna ChatterjeeAsst. TeacherGhugia Bhubanmohini Vidyamandir
H.S- AnthropologySharbani BhattacharyaHeadmistressJaigachhi Adarsha Balika Vidyalaya

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Antara Tripathy M.Sc., B.Ed. by qualification and bring 15 years of media reporting experience.. Coverred many illustarted events like, G20, ICC,MCCI,British High Commission, Bangladesh etc. She took over from the founder Editor of IBG NEWS Suman Munshi (15/Mar/2012- 09/Aug/2018 and October 2020 to 13 June 2023).
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