The man who fought for the Article 370 and 35A demolition in Jammu & Kashmir now joins hand with Ashwini Upadhya famous lawyer of Supreme Court to stop “LOVE JIHAD” in India.
Expressing deep concern over the demographic changes in Indian state of West Bengal, Kerala, Kashmir, Assam and elsewhere both asked people to raise and stand against the forceful conversion of Hindus and Sanatan Religion people.
In a facebook live both explained why age old Indian Penal Code and CRPC will not be enough at the ground and the book of Law a revamp to empower our law enforcing agencies to be more powerful and decisive against conversion and different form of JIHAD funded by militants and their political masters.
They are planning to conduct a mass rally peacefully at New Delhi Jantar Mantar on the 8th of August 2021, to show the peoples solidarity against the Love Jihad and reform the cripple IPC Law with a new stronger IPC Law in place to stop the Love JIHAD and forceful conversion in anywhere in the country.
The pandemic is not yet over and any kind of mass gathering will have the catastrophic third wave. So it would be better if organizers can protest with a small controlled number of people and rest can join online if they wish, then a white paper and demand sheet they can send to President, Prime Minister, Supreme Court or whoever is concerned. But calling an enormous mass for physical presence is not at all a good idea in greater interest.
Pushpendra Kulashrestha and his team popular for their logical demand for the cause of the people and protector of the Hindu Sanatan culture. His call for this justified movement to wake up the authorities and they should examine causes raised for the occasion for legitimate solution to uphold the sanity of the Sanatan religion and culture followed by the majority of this country.
A public unrest in this issue will disturb the peace and healthy coexistence of multi-culture fabric of the society.