Commission steps up actions to address critical shortages of medicines and strengthen security of supply in the EU
The Commission has adopted today a set of actions to better prevent and mitigate critical medicine shortages in the EU, this winter, next winter and beyond. Recent critical shortages, including of certain antibiotics last winter, show that continued coordinated action is needed to address supply challenges and to make Europe’s medicine supply chains more resilient in the long run. The key goals of today’s Communication are to prevent and mitigate critical shortages at EU level. It puts a particular focus on the most critical medicines, for which security of supply in the EU must be ensured at all times.
This Communication builds on the work under the European Health Union, notably the reinforced mandate of the European Medicines Agency and the recently published pharmaceutical reform. It follows a strong call by Member States at the 2023 June European Council, confirmed in Granada in October 2023, and from the European Parliament.