Medica Super Specialty Hospital a household name in medical care for quality service at affordable cost in eastern India specially at Kolkata, just launched the special drive against obesity and problems related to lifestyle diseases.
Obesity is the cause of many silent killers like, Sleep Apnea, Diabetes, Hypertension, blood pressure and infertility among women.
Dr. Ramana the famous Bariatric surgeon head of Medica Super Specialty Hospital told the press that Diabetes can be cured if treated early and with this new technique 90% can have medicine and insulin free life.
Talking to the occasion with our correspondent Abhishek Dey Dr. Ramana told that even women who were not able to conceive due to obesity can be blessed with child and chances are high for them for normal pregnancy depending on other factors being normal.
A comprehensive all inclusive cost of 1.5 lakhs INR for normal expected package price of Bariatric Surgery and Hernia each has been offered for the promotional period.
Medica Super Specialty is located at Mukundupur Kolkata apart from Ranchi,Jamshedpur, Dhanbad, Assam And Siliguri.
Photo By : Mr. Binoy And Avishek Dey