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The Minister of State for Social Justice & Empowerment, Shri Krishan Pal addressing at the inauguration of the National Conference on “Empowering Deaf through Indian Sign Language”, organised by Indian Sign Language Research and Training Centre (ISLRTC), Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan), M/o Social Justice & Empowerment, in New Delhi on March 20, 2017. The Secretary, DEPwD, Shri N.S. Kang is also seen.
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Antara Tripathy M.Sc., B.Ed. by qualification and bring 15 years of media reporting experience.. Coverred many illustarted events like, G20, ICC,MCCI,British High Commission, Bangladesh etc.
She took over from the founder Editor of IBG NEWS Suman Munshi (15/Mar/2012- 09/Aug/2018 and October 2020 to 13 June 2023).
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