This time Kokata saw a surge in Ganesh Puja in the style of Maharastra specially Mumbai area. Almost every locality is having one more puja organized by local clubs and powerful political groups.
But “Amader Puja” a four years old Ganesh Puja at Baul Bakery More at Purba Sinthi is different. All groups with different class and mass joined hands to make this a success.
Talking to Sitaram Ghosh one of the key organizer told 15-20 key member of the local area organizing this puja with out any financial support from any one. He also told all are same here and our family and kids also joins hand along with the other locals to make it a puja for all.
He also told that with out the support of his fellow team members like Subir Banerjee, Sabyasachi Jana,Santu,Prasanta Ghosh,Subrata Pal, Saikat, Sukrite,Bablu,Biswanath Ghosh,Tapas Choudhury and many more it would have been impossible.
The day ended with Prasad which was enjoyed by all as holy food for all.
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