INDIAN ART LEAGUE takes pleasure in recognizing the locked down talents from various parts of India. Along with the eminences like ?????? ??????????,????????? ?????? and ????????? ????? as the judges in Singing category;
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????????? ??????v???? ??? ????????? ??? as the judges of Dancing category; Surojit Kala, in association with Sapphire Creations Dance Company and Friends Communication and supported by Algos Events & Decor, strives to look for the hidden talents in India. It is meant for encouraging the spirit of creativity of new talents.
Surojit Kala says,” During this COVID 19 pandemic situation digital platform is highly busy with so many creative activities, some of them are really good. It was very sudden that we planned this initiative to find out fresh budding talents who can contribute to our society by their creative aspects. So we are looking for new stars using digital platforms.”
The program will be held under two Age categories:
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It has ace Mentors like Pranabes Chandra for Acting Category, Subhankar Bhaskar for Singing Category, Manik Paul and Sonia Shil for Dancing Category.
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Round 1: Audition : 05.05.2020-31.05.2020
Audition is going on now. It is all set to go for the final selection by the end of this June.