In the pursuit of peace Swaranjali in association with Pracheen Kala Kendra and Gunijankhana, is going to organise World Sitar Festival on 15th August, 2020 from 5.30 pm for 6 hours.
35 Sitarists from 12 countries all around the world are going to perform in this cloud concert. This will be one of the rarest occasions when the audience will experience the convergence of all Gharanas of Sitar. There will be a section of rare archival recordings of Sitar starting from the first recording of the sound of Sitar of 1904.
Stories, anecdotes and history of Sitar will fill the grand stage of the World Sitar Festival. Join us in this unique musical experience of 2020.
Artists of the concert- Alif Laila, Amie Machiszewski, Anupama Bhagwat, Ashim Chowdhury, Ayan Sengupta, Debojit Chakraborty, Ebadul Haque, Eti Bartholomew, Guillermo Rodriguez , Harashankar Bhattacherjee, Hidayat Khan, Huzoor Hasnain Khan, Indrajit Banerjee, Ira Landgarten, Juan M Tavella, Kalyan Majumdar, Manoj & Mormukut Kedia, Markus Schmidt, Mita Nag, Parimal M Sadaphal, Pradeep Ratnayake, Ram Udar Bhattacherjee, Ramprapanna Bhattacharya, Roopa Panesar, Sahana Banerjee, Saleem Khan Punchhwale, Saswatti Saha, Shakir Khan, Shunichi Sawda, Subrato De, Supriya Shah, Sushanto Chowdhury, Swarup Bose and Taurab Ali Khan and Soumitra Lahiri