Culture Ministry issues guidelines for holding cultural events/activities in Virtual / Online mode under various scheme components of Central Sector Scheme ‘Kala Sanskriti Vikas Yojana’ (KSVY)

Culture Ministry issues guidelines for holding cultural events/activities in Virtual / Online mode under various scheme components of Central Sector Scheme ‘Kala Sanskriti Vikas Yojana’ (KSVY)
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The guidelines will enable artists to avail benefits under these schemes in virtual mode also and will ensure continued financial assistance to tide over the present crisis

by PIB Delhi

The Covid outbreak has had a substantial impact on the Performing Arts & Cultural sector with in-person exhibitions, events, and performances either cancelled or postponed. However, there were intensive efforts by the Artists & the institutions of the Ministry of Culture to provide alternative or additional services through digital platforms with proper documentation of the events. Ministry of Culture (Performing Arts Bureau) implements many schemes under its Kala Sanskriti Vikas Yojana (KSVY), where the grants are sanctioned/approved for holding programs/activities which involve large audience.

While the performances with a limited audience have been recently allowed, in view of the prevailing conditions, the Ministry of Culture has formulated & devised the following guidelines to help artists/organizations who have already been sanctioned grant under various scheme components of ‘Kala Sanskriti Vikas Yojana’ (KSVYto conduct events on virtual mode. This will enable them to avail benefits under these schemes even if they are not able to stage programs in the physical format as before and will ensure continued financial assistance to tide over the present crisis.

  1. The artists/organizations who have already been sanctioned grant under KSVY schemes are encouraged to conduct various components of the schemes such as virtual workshops on art & craft, lecture-cum-demonstrations, webinars, online programs/festivals etc. through virtual mode on social media handles like Facebook, YouTube etc. (Scheme-wise details are placed at Annexure ).
  2. The submission of hard copies of documents relating to activities covered under the scheme / scheme components will be dispensed with for the time being and soft copies of the same will be admissible for release of grant.
  3. The organizations who are conducting events on virtual mode may be given exemption from submission of proof of event such as Newspaper cutting but must submit link/recordings of the virtual events / activities with details of the event. The outreach of the program in terms of measure of the digital audience should also be indicated. 
  1. The expenditure incurred on activities as reflected in Utilization Certificate (UC) should be justified with reference to the program conducted via virtual platform.
  2. As per provisions of GFR:
    1. UC must be submitted in GFR 12- A proforma.
    2. Performance / targets fixed and achieved, statement for the year to which the utilization of the fund resulted in outcome in Annexure-I of GFR 12-A proforma.
    3. Utilization of the fund resulting in outcomes and details of various schemes executed by the grantee organization / agency through GIA received from the same Ministry or from other Ministries in Annexure-II of GFR 12 –A proforma, as per format of these Annexures formulated by the Programme Division.


(1.) Repertory Grant: Under Repertory Grant, training of artistes by their respective Gurus and performance of Cultural Activities may be conducted online. For Utilization Certificate (UC) purpose rent receipts of hall, costume, light, design, remuneration to the artistes for performing various activity relating to the Repertory Grant will be accepted for release of grant.

(2.) National Presence: Under National Presence, cultural programmes/festival/seminars etc. at National level for promotion of art & culture may be conducted online. For Utilization Certificate (UC) purpose Rent receipts for hiring halls, theatres, remuneration to Artistes, purchase invoices of equipment etc., expenditure made for performing various other activities relating to conducting components of schemes as covered under the scheme guidelines will be accepted for release of grant.

(3.) CFPGS: Under Cultural Function & Production Grant (CFPG), Seminars, Conference, Research, Workshops, Festivals, Exhibitions, Symposia, Production of Dance, Drama-Theatre, Music etc. and small research projects on different aspects of Indian Culture may be conducted online. For Utilization Certificate (UC) purpose rent receipts for hiring halls, theatres, remuneration to Artistes, purchase invoices of equipment etc., expenditure made for performing various other activities relating to conducting components of schemes as covered under the scheme guidelines will be accepted for release of grant.

(4.) Himalayan Heritage: Under Financial Assistance for the Preservation & Development of Cultural Heritage of the Himalayas, study and research, preservation and documentation, dissemination through audio visual programme, training in traditional & fold art may be conducted online. For Utilization Certificate (UC) purpose activities relating to these components of the Himalayan scheme will be accepted for release of grant.

(5.) Buddhist / Tibetan: Under Financial Assistance for Development of Buddhist/Tibetan Arts, research project, purchase of books, documentation and cataloguing, award of scholarships to monk, holding of special courses and culture, audio-visual recording / documentation, IT upgradation training aids for monastic, salary to teachers may be performed online. For Utilization Certificate (UC) purpose activities relating to these components of the Buddhist scheme will be accepted for release of grant.

(6.) Scholarship / Fellowship: Under Scheme of Scholarships and Fellowships for Promotion of Art and Culture, advanced training within India in the field of Indian Classical Music, Indian Classical Dance, Theatre, Mime, Visual art, Folk, Traditional and Indigenous Arts and Light Classical Music and research may be performed online and report can also be submitted in soft version.

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Antara Tripathy M.Sc., B.Ed. by qualification and bring 15 years of media reporting experience.. Coverred many illustarted events like, G20, ICC,MCCI,British High Commission, Bangladesh etc. She took over from the founder Editor of IBG NEWS Suman Munshi (15/Mar/2012- 09/Aug/2018 and October 2020 to 13 June 2023).
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