Budget proposes Qualitative Strengthening of 15,000 Schools to include all components of National Education Policy

The Union Minister for Finance and Corporate Affairs, Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman departs from North Block to Rashtrapati Bhavan and Parliament House, along with the Minister of State for Finance and Corporate Affairs, Shri Anurag Singh Thakur and the senior officials to present the General Budget 2021-22, in New Delhi on February 01, 2021.
The Union Minister for Finance and Corporate Affairs, Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman departs from North Block to Rashtrapati Bhavan and Parliament House, along with the Minister of State for Finance and Corporate Affairs, Shri Anurag Singh Thakur and the senior officials to present the General Budget 2021-22, in New Delhi on February 01, 2021.
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100 New Sainik Schools to be set up in partnership with NGOs/Private Schools/ States

Higher Education Commission of India proposed for Standard Setting, Accreditation, Regulation and Funding

Central University to be set up in Ladakh

by PIB Delhi

More than 15,000 schools to include all components of the National Education Policy will be qualitatively strengthened; to enable them to emerge as exemplar schools in their regions, handhold and mentor other schools to achieve the ideals Policy. This was stated by Union Minister for Finance and Corporate Affairs, Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman while presenting the budget 2021-22 in Parliament today. She also stated that 100 new Sainik Schools will be setup in partnership with NGOs/private schools/states.

Higher education

The Finance Minister also proposed to set up a Higher Education Commission of India as an umbrella body having 4 separate vehicles for standard setting, accreditation, regulation, and funding.

“Many of our cities have various research institutions, universities, and colleges supported by the Government of India. Hyderabad for example, has about 40 such major institutions. In 9 such cities, we will create formal umbrella structures so that these institutes can have better synergy, while also retaining their autonomy. A glue grant will be set aside for this purpose”, said Smt. Sitharaman.


Central University in Leh

She also proposed to set up a Central University in Leh for accessible higher education in Ladakh.

About Post Author

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Antara Tripathy M.Sc., B.Ed. by qualification and bring 15 years of media reporting experience.. Coverred many illustarted events like, G20, ICC,MCCI,British High Commission, Bangladesh etc. She took over from the founder Editor of IBG NEWS Suman Munshi (15/Mar/2012- 09/Aug/2018 and October 2020 to 13 June 2023).
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