54th Garment Buyers & Sellers Meet and B2B Expo by West Bengal Garment Manufacturers & Dealers Association at Kolkata

Rs. 700 Crore business transaction with 2000+ visitors registered from all around the country for 54th Garment Buyers & Sellers Meet and B2B Expo by West Bengal Garment Manufacturers & Dealers Association
Rs. 700 Crore business transaction with 2000+ visitors registered from all around the country for 54th Garment Buyers & Sellers Meet and B2B Expo by West Bengal Garment Manufacturers & Dealers Association
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Rs. 700 Crore business transaction with 2000+ visitors registered from all around the country for 54th Garment Buyers & Sellers Meet and B2B Expo by West Bengal Garment Manufacturers & Dealers Association

Kolkata, 22nd July 2023:

The West Bengal Garment Manufacturers and Dealers Association’s 54th Garment Buyers & Sellers Meet 2023, organized spread over three days (20th, 21st & 22nd July 2023) held at Biswa Bangla Mela Prangan, Kolkata. At this landmark event, over 700 local and national brands participated. This Exhibition is the oldest one in this region and has been very successful once again like always. The Meet Here registered 2000+ visitors from all around the country and abroad and had an approximate Rs. 700 Crore business transaction at the wholesale deals. The visitors have shown appreciation for the decor and ambiance and the hospitality offered by the Association.

On this occasion, Sri. Hari Kishan Rathi, President of West Bengal Garment Manufacturers & Dealers Association stated, “This industry already has one of the biggest workforces (over 50 lac employees employed in direct or indirect capacity). This Meet has proven itself time and again to boost the Readymade Garment Industry in Bengal. We highly appreciate the efforts of the government for the textile industry and the ready-made garments to promote clothing business and marketing.” Mr. Rathi also expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the team of the Executive Committee, The Sponsors, and the participants who have made this event a grand success. He also thanked the Pragati Maidan PS and WBIDC for their support and cooperation.”

The other Key Committee members who were present at West Bengal Garment Manufacturers & Dealers Association were: Sri Vijay Kariwala, Sr. Vice President; Sri Pradeep Murarka, Vice President; Sri Devendra Baid, Hony. Secretary; Sri Kanhiyalal Lakhotia, Treasurer; Sri Prem Kumar Sinhal, Jt. Treasurer; Sri Amarchand Jain, Sri Tarun Kumar Jhajharia, Sri Ashish Jhawar, Sri Manish Rathi, Sri Kamlesh Kedia, Sri Manish Agarwal, Sri Kishore Kumar Gulgulia, Sri Vikram Singh Baid, Sri Sourav Chandak, Sri Vijay Agarwal, Sri Manish Jain, Sri Saket Kumar Khandelwal, Sri Ajay Sultania, Sri Rajiv Kedia, Sri Sandip Raja, Sri Brij Mohan Mundhra, Sri Bhuwan Arora, Sri Mohit Dugar- Executive Committee Members along with Sri Hari Prasad Sharma and Sri Chand Mal Ladha, Former Presidents.

About WBGMDA: West Bengal Garment Manufacturers and Dealers Association is a leading organization representing the readymade garment industry and trade in Eastern India. Established in 1962, the Association has been rendering dedicated services for the development of the readymade garment industry in this region. Our Association was formed under the banner of the Bharat Chamber of Commerce, which we are still affiliated with. The Association has over 500 members, a democratic structure, and is led by a Core Committee, Committee Members, and Co-opted Members to give proper direction to this institution. The Association organizes Buyers and Sellers Meet twice a year, organizes seminars, helps members to understand Government decisions and policies, celebrates Holi and Diwali together with its members and patrons, and also organizes Blood donation and Vaccination camps.

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Antara Tripathy M.Sc., B.Ed. by qualification and bring 15 years of media reporting experience.. Coverred many illustarted events like, G20, ICC,MCCI,British High Commission, Bangladesh etc. She took over from the founder Editor of IBG NEWS Suman Munshi (15/Mar/2012- 09/Aug/2018 and October 2020 to 13 June 2023).
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