South Asian Institute for Advance Research and Development(SAIARD) will organize a global seminar on Digital Education with delegates joining from across the globe.
Talking to the press SAIARD Chairman Dr. Biswajit Roy Choudhury told that this is going to create a ripple in the new standard for digital education in global context.
He invited all educationist and students to join online for the same. This session is going to be a great exposure for academia and students interested in the field of Digital Education.
REGISTRATION LINK: For Details: [email protected] ;+91-6289169916
SAIARD Digital Education Summit 2021 0n 2nd 29 – 30 July In association with Global Talk Education Foundation,
India & Global Opportunities Commercialization,Australia
Guest of Honours
Dr. V. Sahasrabuddhe, Hon’ble Member of Parliament & Chairman, ICCR, Govt. of India
Dr. A. Rasheed,Hon’ble Minister of State Dept of Education,Republic of Maldives
Eminent Speakers
Prof. Dimiter Velev University of National & World Economy, Bulgaria
Moh. Yasin Samim,Director, Ministry of Education,Afghanistan
Dr.M. Ballesteros, Director,Dept of Edu.,Govt of Philippines
Prof. A.V. Machnicki,Provincial University of Cordoba, Argentina
Dr. Muthmainnah, Al Asyariah Mandar University, Indonesia
R.Vivekanantharasa,The Open University of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka
Dr. Irina I. Pop Director,CGSRS, London
Dr. H. F. Mahdi, University of Diyala, Iraq
Prof. S. Sharmin,Dhaka University,Bangladesh
Prof. S. Deshpande Griffith University, Australia
Prof A. B. Schiopoiu,University of Craiova,Romania
Dr. A. Mishra,M B Memorial Academy, Nepal
Dr S. Poddar,Dy.Vice-Chancellor (R&I) Lincoln Univ. College, Malaysia
Dr. N. Parashar,Director,Vigyan Prasar,Govt of India
Special Guests
Prof. K. Ratnam,Hon’ble Member Secretary,ICHR, Govt of India
Dr. Cardoso, Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre, Portugal
Prof. S. Das,Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, Jadavpur University, Kolkata & Vice-President, AIU
Chief Patron
BRC,Founder & Chairman SAIARD
Dr. Toshendra Dwivedi,Prof. at Amity University, & Gen Secretary, SAIARD Council of World Intellectuals (SCWI)
Dr. Priyadarshi Nayak, Chairman, Global Talk Education Foundation & National Advisor, SAIARD Council of World Intellectuals (SCWI)
Dr. D.A.Peppa, Greece,Vice-Chancellor, Europe & ID Y.S. University, USA
Major Harsh Kumar,Secretary, NCERT,Ministry of Education, Govt of India
Prof. S. Yadav,Former Vice-Chancellor,BPS Women’s University & Member, UGC, Govt of India
Prof. R. K. Sharma,Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor,Saveetha Inst. Of Medical & Tech. Sciences, Chennai
Dr. D.P. Duari,Director M.P.Birla Planetarium, Kolkata
Dr. C. Sotiropoulos,CEO, Global Opportunities Commercialisation, Australia & Coordinator, SAIARD, Australia Chapter
Mr. H. Vaidya,Director, National Institute of Urban Affairs, Govt of India
Prof. C. B. Sharma,Former Chairman, NIOS,Govt of India
Prof. B. Shukla,Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor,Amity University, Noida
Dr. Vinod Bhat,Executive Vice-President,Manipal Academy of Higher Education
H.E. Dr E. Lucas,Chairperson,YYCI, UK
Dr D. Tripathi,G G Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi
Mr. A.D. Verma,Advocate, Supreme Court, India
Prof. R. Sharma,Amity University, Noida
Ms. S. Pandey, IAS,Chief Dev. officer
Kanpur Dehat, India,Prof. R. Kumar
Amity University, Noida
Prof. S. Maitra,Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor,Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, Kolkata
H.E. Dr. N. Harihiri,Her Majestry, Queesn of Hawaii & Pro-Chancellor,RCST, Switzerland
Prof. T. Duggal,Amity