Production of Fruits and Vegetables
By PIB Delhi
As reported by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, India is the second largest producer of Fruits, as well as Vegetables, in the world in the year 2019.
The quantum of production of Fruits and Vegetables in the Country during 2018-19, 2019-20 & 2020-21 (Third Advance Estimates), and the average quantum of production of these three years, is as under: –Production of Fruits and Vegetables (in Million Tonne) Year 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
(3rd Adv. Est.)Average Fruits 97.97 102.08 103.03 101.02 Vegetables 183.17 188.28 197.23 189.56
Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu are the major Fruits producing States, whereas Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Odisha are the major Vegetables producing States of the country (in order of production, as per the Third Advance Estimates of 2020-21).
The countries to which most of the Fruits and Vegetables produce are exported and the quantum of such export,as reported by Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics (DGCI&S), is at the Annexure I and II respectively.
The Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH), a Centrally Sponsored Scheme is being implemented w.e.f. 2014-15, for holistic growth of the horticulture sector covering fruits, vegetables, root and tuber crops, mushrooms, spices, flowers, aromatic plants, coconut, cashew and cocoa. All States (including Assam) and UTs are covered under MIDH.
The Mission envisages production and productivity improvement of horticulture crops including fruits and vegetables through various interventions. Under MIDH, assistance is provided for activities such as production of planting material, vegetable seed production, coverage of area with improved cultivars, rejuvenation of senile orchards, protected cultivation, creation of water resources, adoption of Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Integrated Nutrient Management (INM), organic farming, including insitu generation of organic inputs are taken up for development of fruits and vegetables. Capacity buildings of farmers and technicians are also provided for adopting improved technologies. The Scheme also envisages creation of Post Harvest Management (PHM) and marketing for better price realization of produce.Country-wise Export of Fresh Fruits from India Quantity in ‘000 Tonne S.No Country 2020-21 2021-22 Qty (upto September) 1 BANGLADESH 270.65 55.17 2 NEPAL 142.78 108.73 3 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 134.92 71.49 4 NETHERLAND 70.56 12.21 5 IRAN 66.33 40.76 6 OMAN 40.27 20.06 7 SAUDI ARABIA 32.41 10.31 8 UNITED KINGDOM 26.50 8.67 9 RUSSIA 25.44 4.92 10 IRAQ 25.07 11.22 11 QATAR 21.04 11.72 12 AFGHANISTAN 17.05 18.42 13 MALAYSIA 11.57 2.05 14 GERMANY 9.35 1.82 15 MALDIVES 7.30 5.07 16 BAHARAIN 7.16 3.28 17 KUWAIT 7.05 4.32 18 SRI LANKA 4.48 2.33 19 CANADA 4.29 1.11 20 HONG KONG 3.48 1.00 21 SINGAPORE 3.33 1.96 22 THAILAND 3.29 1.06 23 VIETNAM 3.16 0.94 24 UKRAINE 2.63 1.06 25 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 2.60 1.11 26 TURKEY 2.11 0.39 27 POLAND 1.87 0.57 28 CHINA 1.71 0.67 Country-wise Export of Fresh Vegetables from India Quantity in ‘000 Tonne S.No Country 2020-21 Qty 2021-22 Qty (upto September) 1 BANGLADESH 648.36 353.70 2 NEPAL 448.57 286.13 3 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 250.21 137.95 4 MALAYSIA 216.32 126.31 5 SRI LANKA 157.03 110.17 6 SAUDI ARABIA 84.88 28.04 7 INDONESIA 82.57 36.80 8 OMAN 75.73 35.51 9 QATAR 73.14 38.68 10 KUWAIT 56.85 32.73 11 SINGAPORE 30.46 15.60 12 VIETNAM 29.52 11.07 13 MALDIVES 23.63 11.97 14 BAHARAIN IS 22.65 13.89 15 UNITED KINGDOM 20.87 11.36 16 HONG KONG 12.12 23.54 17 RUSSIA 11.66 6.76 18 MAURITIUS 11.24 11.66 19 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 9.06 4.07 20 THAILAND 7.89 3.78 21 PHILIPPINES 7.10 3.65 22 BHUTAN 7.09 6.61 23 REUNION 6.28 3.82 24 CANADA 5.87 3.35 25 IRAQ 4.26 0.00 26 ITALY 4.12 0.25 27 SOMALIA 3.05 0.06 28 AUSTRALIA 2.93 1.31 29 BRUNEI 2.78 1.74 30 GREECE 2.43 0.39 31 SEYCHELLES 2.40 1.43 32 MAYOTTE 2.09 0.42 33 GERMANY 2.05 0.76 34 SPAIN 1.42 0.41 35 SOUTH AFRICA 1.18 0.23 36 NETHERLAND 1.04 0.40 37 JAPAN 1.03 0.62
This information was given in a written reply by the Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Shri Narendra Singh Tomar in Lok Sabha today.