IAPMR 2017 – The 45th Annual Conference begins at Kolkata with Sourav Ganguly as Chief Guest

IMPMRCON2017 - Kolkata
IMPMRCON2017 - Kolkata
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IAPMR 2017 – The 45th Annual Conference begins at Kolkata with Sourav Ganguly as Chief Guest

Kolkata once the capital of medical education and hospital services under the British Rule had many reasons to rejoice for excellence in medical services is now again reclaiming the golden fame through the new age professionals and care givers.

One such Initiative started with the 45th conference organized by West Bengal branch of IAPMR-2017 (Indian association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation). This 45th Annual conference of IAPMR is a path breaking initiative for neurological conditions, pain due to cumulative trauma, geriatric conditions, cardio pulmonary, pediatric ailments maybe best dealt with rehab teams apart from the regular medical care as an focus area of discussion.

Sourav Ganguly, the former Indian cricket captain and his wife famous Odissi Dancer Dona Ganguly grace the occasion while Ms. Sashi Panja , MIC West Bengal Government, Doctor Suranjan Bhattacharji, Ex-Director AIIMS, Doctor S.L Yadav, NINHAMS, Doctor Anupam Gupta, Editor of Journal of Neurology, Doctor Satish Khadilkar, and around 400 renowned PMR Specialists from India. And 50 international delegates from Different countries exchanged their views to mark the conference a true scientific hotspot for medical science.

In the Press Conference, Madam Prof. Gulseran Akyuz, MD, Marmara University of Medicine , Dept. Of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Algology, Turkey, Dr. Alessandro Giustini from Italy, Dr. R. Paramanick ,Associate Professor, IPGMER & SSKM Hospital and Dr.Bhaskar Basu, University Hospital of South Manchester jointly discussed the issues related to Rehabilitation and Trauma Care.

Director of Kingston School of Management and Science along with Assistant Professor Dr. Arif of hospital managemant exchanged their views along with the panel discussed  over the scope of improvement of healthcare system in India.


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Antara Tripathy M.Sc., B.Ed. by qualification and bring 15 years of media reporting experience.. Coverred many illustarted events like, G20, ICC,MCCI,British High Commission, Bangladesh etc. She took over from the founder Editor of IBG NEWS Suman Munshi (15/Mar/2012- 09/Aug/2018 and October 2020 to 13 June 2023).
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