Bengal Education Minister expresses concerns over Blue Whale game

Bengal Education minister Partha Chatterjee expressed concerns over the allegations of a number of students getting victimised by the Blue Whale game across the state.
On the sidelines of an event to organise Public Library Day by the Department of Mass Education & Library Sciences, Chatterjee said: “The Blue Whale game should be stopped immediately. We have asked the schools to ensure that students do not carry mobile phones to schools and the authorities should be on alert.”
s many as 25 government schools in the city have been identified where UNICEF will conduct workshops regarding use of “safe Internet” by school children. Simultaneously, a workshop will be conducted in a few private schools as well.
Among the government schools, Hindu School, Jodhpur Park School, Binodini Girls are few of the schools that have been selected where such workshops will be conducted. Students of nearby schools will also be asked to attend.
The association of ICSE schools in Bengal will hold a sensitisation workshop on online gaming and Internet addiction, covering around 200 schools.