Kolkata, July 10, 2023
Safety in train operations depends upon the skill, performance & alertness of the Loco Pilots who have been given the responsibility of driving a train duly following a certain set of safety rules. Though ‘Signal Passed At Danger’ (SPAD)’ is classified as an Indicative accident, it has the potential of getting converted into a consequential accident.
With an aim to check instances of motormen disregarding red signals, the Sealdah Division of Eastern Railway conducted an interactive session on 07.7.2023 with loco pilots (LPs) and assistant Loco Pilots (ALPs) along with their family members. This is an initiative of Eastern Railway to spread awareness among the Loco Pilots vis-à-vis their family members regarding behavioural patterns to be followed to ensure the mental stability of the Loco Pilot to stop in short of any obstruction or signal in danger aspect.
As part of the seminar, a film on SPAD was shown to the family members of the Loco Pilots and a quiz was also conducted to make the session interactive, interesting, and educative. Several remedial measures were suggested to the family members for increasing the mental alertness of the crew. Family members were sensitized regarding the importance of proper rest and sound sleep for the restoration of physical and mental vigour.
Crew members were also advised to perform mental exercises on a regular basis to enhance cognitive abilities and in turn, increase their level of alertness, physical exercise to eliminate the risk of fatigue at work, the importance of good food habits and balanced nutrition for agility and alertness, yoga and pranayama for mitigating the factors responsible for stress. Feedback and suggestion were duly noted from the family members for further improvisation. A participation certificate was also given to all participants.
The main motto of this seminar is to ensure proper rest and mental health of Loco Pilots at home.