“Jani Tumi ashbe Akdin” Music Album launched – Mayor Sabyasanchi Dutta inaugurated the CD

Katha - Music CD Launch 4
Katha - Music CD Launch 4
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On Friday 12th May 2017 Katha…. musical group presented their 2nd album Jani Tumi ashbe Akdin- a collection of Jibon Mukhi, Melody & Hindi songs. The innugration of the album was done by Hon’ble Mayor of Bidhannagar Mr. Sabyasachi Dutta.

This is not just an ordinary regular CD launch program it is a story of struggle of a fighter who never lost the inner power after an accident which almost made his left hand invalid.

The comeback of Swapan Choudhury Music Director, Lyricist & Composer after 35 years was the real time highlight of the event. Mr. Swapan Choudhury started his musical journey at the age of four with tabla. After completion of college course again he continued his musical journey by learning Hawaiian guitar from famous Hawaiian guitarist Late Sunil Ganguly.

Alongside he also learnt several types of percussions & string instruments. Then he formed an instrumental group & started performing numerous programs at the age of 25 in different parts of Bengal & also started a music school Katha at Salt Lake. The success was to its height when suddenly he met with a horrified accident which ended his musical carrier because his left hand was totally broken into pieces.  Nearly about four times of operation of his hand, could not get back it in position and he was totally handicapped giving up his musical career.

‘Katha’ is not just a name, it will express the language of a new life, it will express the language of a new age, it is discourse of a new spirit, of a new soul. It will convey the words of love, of endurance and of lament. Katha is about the inimitable struggle that each and every person has to fight or tussle against at some point of their life. It also talks about the mundane life that each one of us can relate to immensely. Katha not only focuses on present generation’s needs and requirements but it also values and respects our legendry pasts.

An individual’s aspiration and vision have to be such where no obstacles can impede him. His effort ought to be timeless, his reliance infinite where his soul would be fearless, and creativity his inspiration and desire. In effect, a new discourse of evolution would stretch beyond the universe where our existence will not only portray the existence of human beings but will equally pay homage to our desired fauna who are often neglected and looked down upon amidst this massive populace. Such is the dream of “Katha”. Therefore, all our good wishes and greetings are with this musical group “Katha” for showing us such an elevated attempt

At the age of 61 after being gifted a Hawaiian Guitar from one his follower he once gain regained his memory and started recovering and started writing lyrics & started playing all the instrumentals .Though the spirit of Music was still alive and so now after 35 years of his struggle he is back with his 2nd album.

“Fortunately within four months in the year 2015 on May 23rd he released my first album “Shurer Akashe”, with ten numbers of songs out of which three was hit. My daughter Kalyani & her friend JC also sang three songs in that album where JC wrote & composed a song named “Virus” which was also among the hit numbers.

Then finally I decided to release my second album all alone with my own lyrics, composition, arrangement, instrument playing and named it as “Jani Tumi Ashbe Akdin”, where I sang 17 number of songs which are categorized in three parts such as ‘Jibon Mukhi’, ‘Melody’ & ‘Hindi’ songs which is being releasing today.By the grace of God, in last 2 years I already wrote nearly three hundred songs. Basically I am a follower of Late Gouri Prasanna Mazumder, Pulak Bandhopadhay, Salil Chowdhury, Nachiketa, etc.  My serach is still on for young talented singers & musicians.” said Mr.Swapan Chowdhury

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Antara Tripathy M.Sc., B.Ed. by qualification and bring 15 years of media reporting experience.. Coverred many illustarted events like, G20, ICC,MCCI,British High Commission, Bangladesh etc. She took over from the founder Editor of IBG NEWS Suman Munshi (15/Mar/2012- 09/Aug/2018 and October 2020 to 13 June 2023).
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